Virtues: Its Importance in Self-Awakening

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Virtues: Its Importance in Self-Awakening

I thought it would be an excellent time to express the concept of virtues in relation to self-awakening.

In many traditions, ancient teachers said that one of the most important issues facing people in awakening was the virtuous ways within deed and thought.

Many people forget that 90% of purification is “the mind.” Our emotions and ego are what determines success or failure within high-level practices.

I see many people within our tradition face this problematic phase of mind awareness. 

Many do “fall-off” the path due to not changing the mind from their mundane understanding to the awakened mind.

Ask yourself, “What is it you want out of this life and on this path?” Remember, you only take your experiences with you.

The familiar “fallings” that I see occur in practitioner are: wanting to be famous, wanting power over others, thinking one is “enlightened.”  

Lower virtues: taking advantage of others, thinking someone owes you a debt for helping them, not telling the truth, blaming the unseen world for what’s happening to them, blaming others or your teachers for their inability to face hidden things within themselves.

These things are the result of only focusing on the lower virtues. Once the practitioner grasped these lower virtues, they become ingrained within their mind. 

As a result, they will have great difficulty removing these problems later within their spiritual path. It is sometimes almost impossible to do, therefore stopping the growth in spirit altogether.

An important step is to keep humble. Live within the heart. Realize there is more in the universe than what you know. The ego is essential in growing. It is a driving force, but also, you must know when to let it go.

Bliss and emptiness in our system, self-awakening as a whole, will only occur in the highest levels by consistency of virtues.

In other words, you are instilling only the highest virtues within every breath and at every moment. As I always said to you, live your art. Do not be selectively virtuous here or there.

When one has a positive virtue, the mind and heart connect through an energetic channel known as the “katika” channel, the channel of clarity.

This is when the positive child-like heart energy merges with the open and empty mind. You can see this in some of the Tibetan rainbow body, Thankas.

I noticed that many people start positive. Then they learn something powerful. This experience changes them into a positive virtuous being who helps others through their presence, or someone becomes negative, grasping for power over nature and others.

Remember, we already have the “awakened and enlightened mind” within us, but our mundane “clouded mind” holds the veil of truth from us realizing this fact. 

So it again in virtue and the daily choices made by only us determine how far we travel on the road of spirit and if we will indeed “embrace” our awakening while in this human body.

You may not appreciate what you have learned so easily from me until you realize that you needed to reflect on your virtues’ polarities. 

Making the correct choices on what is and not needed on the path you presently walk is critical because your choice will either lead you to your own “grace” or move you further from it.

Our method was developed to allow one total freedom from needing no teacher for one’s entire life. The technique enables a key found within one’s nature to open a door, and knowledge was then revealed through the universe within.

Now before speaking to someone or about someone, ask yourself, “Are you truly being virtuous, or are you moving further away from your awakening?”

Lastly, I would like to say that in the East, the word “master” was never told publicly in the spiritual traditions unless you could prove it. However, in the West, “master” is like using the title Mr. or Mrs. The honorary quality to the title has lost a lot of its meaning through time.

But again, what is a “master”?

To me, a “master” is a person who has “mastered” his/her own limitation and fears from his/her own awakening.

Here is something to reflect on. The old masters who taught the true path never had an “easy” time. Ask one sometime.

When a student comes to learn from you, they first respect you,
Then, as they become empowered, they like you even more,
then they love you for sharing the knowledge, making them feel important,
then they despise you for teaching them because the dark night occurs,
then they hate you, then they wish they never learned from you and wish you were dead, then after your gone, they reflect on themselves, knowing they blamed their teacher, Then they miss you and love you even more, but it’s too late the teachers are gone.

Thank you for reading this story, and have a great day!

© copyright by Primordial Alchemist, Inc. 2010